Live Oak
Middle School
“Let our minds soar!”
CALL US: 1-225-664-3211
15% Off All Items
Live Oak Middle
2024-2025 School Year
Announcement 8/19/2024
Our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser kicks off today and your child received a permission slip to sell chocolate. The individual boxes of chocolate are now $3.00 per box. If you sign the permission slip, please know that you are responsible for returning $120.00 to the school by September 18, 2024. You may not return any chocolate back to the school. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Blount at 664-3211.
​Click here for the 2024-2025 supply list.
September 2
-NO SCHOOL Labor Day Holiday
September 6
-last day to pay for Smoothie King Pass (Students without a pass can purchase a smoothie for $4 the day before Smoothie King day.)
-Student Council applications are due. Student Council is an invite only club.
September 11
-Smoothie King Day
September 17
September 18
-World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Ends
September 20
-deadline to join Mathletes
September 23
-Picture Retake Day
September 27
-Club Day
October 9
-Smoothie King Day
-LOMS 40th birthday
October 10 & 11
-No School Fall Holiday
October 14-18
October 15
-5th grade vision and hearing screening
October 18
-Report Cards
-Pink Day (Donate $ and wear pink)
To sign up for weekly emails from LOMS, message
Be sure to include the grade your student is entering.