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Student Packets

***New student packets available now for download  We will not be handing out

physical packets at school. (4/21/2020)***


Beginning 4/23/2020, there will be a bin in the front of the school for anyone who would like to return school library books and teacher classroom books that were borrowed.  You can place them in the bin at your convenience.  Students do not return workbooks and we did not issue any textbooks this year. 

Email library questions to


Follow us on Facebook for

the latest updates.

Answer Keys posted 5/11/2020

The following work is for April 20-May 22, 2020

ELA & Math work consists of LEAP Practice.


Answer keys for March 16-April 9:

 6th Math, 6th ELA5th Math, 5th ELA, & 6th SS, 

***If no answer key listed, that means the teacher has been emailing answers and sending Reminds.***

The following work is for March 16-April 9

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