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Live Oak
Middle School
“Let our minds soar!”
CALL US: 1-225-664-3211
15% Off All Items
Live Oak Middle
2024-2025 School Year
Announcement 8/19/2024
Our World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser kicks off today and your child received a permission slip to sell chocolate. The individual boxes of chocolate are now $3.00 per box. If you sign the permission slip, please know that you are responsible for returning $120.00 to the school by September 18, 2024. You may not return any chocolate back to the school. If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Blount at 664-3211.
After School STEAM Program
STEAM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math
STEAM is over for 2019-2020.
Stay tuned for next year's events!
Coding Activities
Picture Gallery
Info for our next
event coming soon
Because we pre-purchase all of our supplies, and pay for the food and drinks well
in advance, STEAM is non-fundable once you sign-up.
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